Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 10: Pizza Part 2 "There's a little lotta sauce"

Today, we decided to go back to the beginning of our blog, and once again tackle pizza. However, we decided we were now advanced enough to move beyond canned pizza dough. We made pizza dough..... from scratch!

This was our first time cooking with yeast, which was a little intimidating. However, the recipe was simple enough to follow. We used this, and halved it.

After we let the dough sit for about an hour, we spread it on an oiled pan. We then used canned tomato sauce and freshly shredded mozzarella, and put the pizza in the oven for about 15 minutes. The pizza was pretty small, about ten inches in diameter, and fed 2 people. Unlike when we spread out the first pizza, our crust was only about a third of an inch thick.

Here was our final product!

The dough was a little bland- we might not have let it sit long enough, or we might not have used enough yeast. However, it was an improvement over our previous Pillsbury made crust. 

 Enjoy that slice, Eden!

Until next time, 

Kim and Eden
Eden and Kim

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Day 8 & 9: Lasagna and Quesadillas

This week, we decided to try to make recipes without cheese. Then we gave up. The results were pretty delicious though! First, we made lasagna. Eden bought some oven-ready lasagna that was accompanied by simple instructions on how to bake it, though we left out the meatballs.

As you can see, we had to break the lasagna a little to fit it in the pan, but it still turned out fine! 

The cheese mixtures was pretty easy to make. We ended up not using ricotta as instructed, replacing it with more fresh mozzarella. The mixture also included parmesan cheese and eggs. We halved everything in the recipe, which served 8, while we only needed enough for 3.

We started by covering the bottom of the pan with the same Victoria marinara sauce that we used for the pizza. We then put the strips of lasagna over it, like so:

Then we topped it with the cheese mixture, followed  by three more strips of lasagna, more sauce and plenty of shredded mozzarella.

And so the lasagna was ready for the oven! It took some time to bake, about 35 minutes, and it was still kind of crispy around the edges, possibly because we didn't cover them with sauce. Overall though, we were really happy with the way it came out. Next time, we'll put some vegetables in the lasagna, or maybe even vegetarian "meat" balls.

Here's the final product! Here we were joined by Josh, who was too lazy to actually get his face in this picture. Hi Josh!

Then, we tried our hand at quesadillas. Eden was kind enough to make homemade wheat tortillas. 

We topped them with 'Mexican Cheese' a la Target, and sautéed some tomatoes and green peppers to mix in.

The process was pretty easy. We got everything prepped, cook, and in our stomach within twenty minutes. We put the quesadillas on the stove for about 5 minutes, just enough to get the cheese to melt. Look at Kim flipping!

Comment below if you'd like to see us make anything! We'll be trying out crepes and french toast some time this week!!

Thanks for reading,
Kim and Eden,
Eden and Kim

Friday, June 19, 2015

Day 7: An Omelette Experiment

This week we tried to tackle a culinary classic: the omelette. The ingredients were pretty simple and standard: three eggs, green peppers, tomatoes, and cheddar cheese. We cracked the eggs and poured the contents into the bottom of a fairly large frying pan. After waiting a bit, we added diced tomato, diced pepper, and shredded cheese.

After waiting a few minutes, we tried to fold in the sides of the omelette. This didn't go so well. The sides were still liquidy and tore when we tried to fold them. As a result, the omelette ended up looking like this!

We left it on the stove a little longer and flipped it, removing it when it was a little brown on each side. Despite not being the prettiest omelette the world has ever seen, it tasted just fine! The peppers and tomatoes added tantalizing texture.

Maybe, some day, we'll take another crack at it.

Until then ~
Kim and Eden,
Eden and Kim

Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 6: Very Vegetably Burgers

Today, we made veggie burgers!!

They were really easy to make; we just had to put them on a frying pan for 7 minutes on one side and 4 minutes on the other. In the meantime, Eden toasted the buns on a smaller frying pan after spreading the pan with butter. We put cheese on the warm buns to melt it, added the burgers, and the meal was complete!

Finished product:

We probably should've cooked them for a little longer, because they were a little soft, and probably just should've checked on them to see how firm they were. Overall, they tasted fine and were really easy to make! Maybe another time we'll cook up some fries to go with them, or even make our own burgers.

And last but not least, don't forget to clean your dishes! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE USE THESE KITCHENS? A LOT OF PEOPLE.

Thanks for reading ~~
Kim and Eden,
Eden and Kim

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Days 4 & 5: Chocolate Chip Pancakes and Mac & Cheese

In the past few days, we've gotten to try two very different but delicious recipes. The first was pancakes from scratch, for which we used this recipe from We had chocolate chips and blueberries to spice things up. We halved the ingredients, and found that it was enough for three very large, very thick, and very delicious pancakes. We topped them with 100% maple syrup from Target and were good to go.

The cooking process was pretty easy--after we mixed all the ingredients, Eden took over the frying pan. She checked in on the pancakes and flipped them when they were golden-brown. The finished product--

Next, we made macaroni and cheese, with special guest ROCKY!

Rocky was responsible for the roux, which was the base for the cheese sauce we used. We started with equal parts flour and butter and added milk. We then thickened the sauce with a generous amount of cheese. Kim was responsible for tearing up cheddar cheese and tossing it dexterously into the pan. We got a little worried because the cheese sauce started to thicken up ("and become flubber," suggests Rocky). Then we had to add it to the pasta, which still had some water left over from being cooked that helped to thin out the sauce. We then topped the pasta with parmesan and a little bit of cheddar and mozzarella, and put it in the oven for about 15 minutes.

The pasta came out good, it was cooked perfectly and had the satisfying hardiness of mac and cheese. Here it is, all plated up:

For dessert, we had some of Mama Canz's homemade cinnamon apple oatmeal (cupcake) muffins. They were even more delicious than they sound, and hopefully we can get a recipe for them up here soon.

Next week we'll try some foods that don't involve cheese. Maybe.

Thanks for reading --
Kim and Eden,
Eden and Kim
(and ROCKY!)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 3: Grilled Cheese Please!

We decided to use our tomatoes and extensive selection of cheeses to make grilled cheese. We were also thrilled to be joined by our special guest, Talia!

Talia likes leaves and is majoring in biology, and kind of math, but she's a freshman, so she doesn't really know what's going on. She's concerned about the wetness of her hair in this photo, but Kim and Eden think she looks just fine.

For ingredients, we had tomatoes, American cheese, cheddar cheese, and shredded mozzarella. Eden picked up some ciabatta bread to add some European flair.

Talia also contributed some onions, which she fried beautifully. Talia's pretty concerned about this picture too, but we continue to think she really looks fine.

On Eden's suggestion, we toasted the insides of the bread, AND the outsides. Wow. Nice one Eden.

While this dish had a lot of cheese and butter, we like to think the onions and tomato make it healthy...right? Next time, using regular old bread might make it a little easier to melt the cheese. But it tasted great anyway! For dessert, we had some chocolate chip cookies, courtesy of Kim's loving mother.

Next on Sharpless Summer: Breakfast Bar!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day 2: Three Cheese Pizza

We decided to be slightly ambitious, and try making pizza.

The pizza was actually pretty easy to make--we used Stouffer's pre-made pizza dough and Victoria marinara sauce. For cheese, we used freshly shredded mozzarella, ricotta, and grated parmesan.

We pre-heated the oven to 425 degrees. Here's the pizza before it went in!

We put the pizza in for about ten minutes, then checked the bottom and found it to be a nice golden brown, so we took it out. Finished product:

Overall, we were pretty happy with how it came out! The dough was chewy in the middle, but crispy on the bottom. Here it is all plated up--there was enough for each of us to have three small, but fairly thick pieces.

Next time, we would probably use more sauce and a little less cheese, but it was great for a first try!

Now, remember folks: clean your dishes, once you've finished eating. That goes to all of you Mertz second snitches.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day 1: Pasta without the Bar

We decided to start with something very simple: pasta with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese.

Here were all of our ingredients:

At some point we'll try making our own sauce, but for now we used sauce from a can.

Making it was pretty easy. All we had to do was boil the water and put the pasta in, simmer the tomato sauce, and slice the mozzarella. Here's Eden cooking!

Wow look at her go!

One of the pieces of pasta went into the sink when we were straining out the water :(

Finished product:

Next, eating time. We were happy with how the food came out. The pasta was reasonably firm, and the sauce meshed well with the fresh mozzarella. Not too bad for a first try.

For next time: put the stove on high instead of medium to boil the pasta, and maybe use a little less water.

Tune in soon for a post about making pizza!

Thanks for reading ~~

Kim and Eden,
Eden and Kim

Thursday, June 4, 2015

An Introduction

This is a blog about two people cooking. Here’s a bit about them.

Kim is trying be a famous author, and enjoys swing dancing, swing dancing, and swing dancing. She’s majoring in Education, and something else. Favorite food: Mozzarella Sticks.

Eden is a rugby player who has changed her major 100 times already, so please do not ask her what it is, unless you’re ready for regular updates. Favorite Food: Baked Ziti.

Together, Eden and Kim will try to brave the culinary world outside of Sharples Dining Hall with easy to make vegetarian recipes, and a lot of french fries.

Come, learn from our mistakes.